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School of Nursing Students

Application requirements


  • Deadline: March 15, 12 a.m. (midnight) ET
  • 2023-2024学年的FAFSA于2022年10月1日生效
  • 2024-25学年的FAFSA于2023年12月31日开始发放
  • 2023 - 24年度的FAFSA将允许学生申请2023年秋季的助学金, spring 2024, and summer 2024 term
  • 2024 - 25年的FAFSA将允许学生申请2024年秋季的助学金, spring 2025, and summer 2025 terms



Our school code: 002894


Types of aid

Tuition scholarships

学费奖学金由护理学院颁发. For the undergraduate nursing programs, these amounts are awarded at a set rate, and for graduate programs, 奖学金通常涵盖一定比例的学费. Both are based on merit. 国内和国际学生都有资格获得这些奖项.  The School of Nursing also offers the following:

Tuition benefits

Employer tuition benefits may be available to you. Contact your employer’s benefits office for details. 罗彻斯特大学的员工应该访问 tuition benefits page for specific benefit information.


Outside scholarships

参加大学的候选人的实力往往使我们的学生成为外部奖学金的优秀候选人. Be sure to look to family employers, local foundations, clubs, and community agencies for scholarship opportunities. 学生必须通知我们的办公室在学年期间将收到的任何外部奖学金.

Learn more about outside scholarship opportunities for School of Nursing students.

Military benefits

护理学院参加了黄丝带计划. 有关该计划和其他退伍军人资源的更多信息可以在 military benefits page.

Federal loans

下面列出了几种可供学生使用的联邦贷款的信息, 包括与每种贷款类型的借款相关的标准.

申请联邦贷款时,注意学年日期是很重要的. For financial aid purposes, 一学年从秋季学期/季度开始,一直延续到第二年的夏季. 根据你入学的时间,可能需要提交多份申请.

For example, if you start a program in the summer term, you will need to complete two FAFSAs, as your enrollment will cross two academic years. 你需要在夏季学期完成一份FAFSA, the end of one academic year, and one FAFSA for the fall term, the beginning of a new academic year. 2023年秋季是2023 - 2024学年的开始. 2024年秋季是2024-2025学年的开始.

Federal direct loans


  • US citizens or permanent residents
  • Matriculated
  • 至少有一半的时间(每学期6个学分)参加学位授予课程


查看有关联邦直接贷款选项的其他信息, including interest rates, fees, and borrowing limits on the loans page.

Federal parent PLUS loans


  • 已经申请了他们的年度联邦直接学生贷款
  • Is matriculated in a bachelor’s program; certificate programs are excluded
  • 至少注册了一半时间(每学期至少6个学分)
  • Is still considered a dependent

查看有关家长PLUS贷款选项的其他信息, including interest rates, fees, and borrowing limits on the loans page.

Federal graduate PLUS loans


  • 已经申请了年度联邦直接学生贷款吗
  • Are matriculated in a master’s or PhD program; certificate programs are excluded
  • 至少注册一半时间(每学期至少6个学分)

查看有关网赌论坛有哪些生PLUS贷款选项的其他信息, including interest rates, fees, and borrowing limits on the loans page.

State educational loans

State educational loans:

  • 适用于本科生和网赌论坛有哪些生(可能也适用于父母和亲属), 只要学生被录取并至少有一半的时间在学位课程中注册
  • 是否以信用为基础,并提供可能与PLUS贷款和其他贷款竞争的利率和条款
  • 是否有固定利率和可变利率,视州而定

查看有关国家教育贷款选项的更多信息 loans page.

Alternative educational loans

这些教育贷款是由银行和教育贷款机构提供的,作为联邦学生贷款的补充(而不是替代). 替代贷款也可称为“私人教育”或“补充”贷款, 因为他们不隶属于联邦或州贷款项目.

国际学生很可能需要向美国担保人申请私人/替代贷款. If you do not have a US cosigner, 请设法通过你本国的银行获得贷款, 特别是如果他们在美国提供学生贷款的话.


  • Non-matriculated
  • Students seeking to pay past-due balances
  • Students not meeting satisfactory academic progress
  • 先前因信用不良而被拒绝申请其他贷款的学生

查看有关其他教育贷款选择的更多信息 loans page.

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